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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel all it took was a little bit of A move up in xrp price and I noticed That crypto media outlets now have a lot More positive xrp headlines than they Did just a little bit ago remember when Recently xrp got down to about 49 cents Before popping back up a little over 24 Hours ago to 58 Cents uh yeah well we get stuff like This now X from the crypto basic this is Just one example xrp price eyeing Crucial bullish r veral and so let's Talk about a little something here Because it's my belief that xrp Euphoria Is coming and there's a little bit of an Asteris asterisk you know go little bit Of a uh you know a caveat There look I think xrp excitement is Going to come no matter what because the Market does move in Tandem and if alts Are going to go then there's going to be Some sort of movement for xrp but in Terms of xrp hit a new alltime high I've Said it many times I'm sorry if you're Tired here he me saying this but there Was new people coming on board here um I Just as long as Bitcoin hits new alltime High I think that the odds of xrp also Hit a new alltime High virtual certainty not literally but Yes without that I'm kind of Skeptical but I still think the Euphoria Is coming so I wanted to talk about

Something and I'm very curious to hear Everyone's take listening so um listen To the video and then if you have a Moment if you'd be so kind to share your Perspective in the comment section below I'd love to hear from you because Something that I've noticed and I was Talking about on social media platform X The other day is that you know there is Excitement in crypto markets right now And I know that the sentiment in the xrp Community it's kind of been in the Gutter recently it's a little bit better Over the last day or two but it's there There is excitement broadly speaking in Crypto but does this feel like a Euphoric blowoff top to You I mean most of you have been here For at least a few years not all of you But if you you were here in 2021 and if you were here in 2017 I'm going to guess that most of you Think this doesn't feel the same as the Euphoric blowoff tops during those time Periods right I'm not crazy to say that Right so does that mean that we're Actually not even close well that's That's to talk about Because I don't pretend to know for sure But there are some people who think that Um we shouldn't have gotten used to uh That type of activity maybe there's just Too much of a frenzy back then it Doesn't mean it's going to repeat now

And maybe the moment we're seeing right Now maybe this is as intense as the Euphoria Gets we'll see though I'm skeptical of That but I could be wrong which is why I Just want to share opposing viewpoints I'm going to share what I think an Opposing Viewpoint and you guys can tell Me what you think but before going Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about Crypt Related topics topics but just as a Hobby and just for fun now here's an Interesting chart this comes from chart Analyst Ali Martinez and this shows the Number of new Bitcoin addresses Bitcoin Leads the market and even if you don't Care about Bitcoin or even if you don't Hold Bitcoin you should still be Interested in this here's what Ally had To Say as the price of Bitcoin increases There's a noticeable decline in the Creation of new Bitcoin addresses Daily this trend points towards a lack Of retail participation in the current Bitcoin bull rally suggesting that the Recent price action is primarily fueled By institutional demand well that's

Something so if indeed it's the case That this is more or less the peak in Terms of Euphoria why aren't the retailers here Why AR why aren't there a whole bunch of New retailers they're just they're not Coming they're not going to come they're Not present but the institutions drove This isn't is that kind of Interesting I think so I also looked at This um and I've shared these charts Before but I just went to Google Trends And and searched uh Bitcoin over the Last five years a worldwide search and You can see like if you look here I mean This is May of 2021 that's that's the Peak over the last five years that's When Bitcoin uh was hitting a new All-time High and not surprising there was oh my God the the laser eyes the diamond hands You listening into this I'm sure you are Not surprised to see that that was the Peak over the last 5 years because it's 2024 now right so it's not including the The market cycle before That but what's going on now then you Know that it because we did see and this Part's actually not surprising you saw a Little bit of a bump up um January 17th Or 13th that for that week of this year There was a little bit of a bump up but What was happening then a narrative Drove the that search right there the

Bitcoin ETF stuff that's actually not Surprising but that's not that big of a Bump all things considered that's it That little thing right there and that That's it that's the most excitement we Get and then after that Bitcoin dropped To the upper 30,000 in terms of price Action because it was a sell the news Event ultimately and now that Bitcoin Has hit $52,000 like almost Nothing look at this February 11th Through 17th almost Nothing isn't that Peculiar and so I shared this post last Night I wrote The Following there is Excitement in crypto but it doesn't seem Like blowoff top Euphoria Google searches are barely up For Bitcoin and crypto no celebrities Pumping pumping swword coins I'm Censoring myself there uh no crypto Super Bowl ads no laser eyes no calls From family members or friends asking About crypto we've only had two days of Extreme greed on the crypto fear and Greed read index since the market Started heading up over a year ago so if This really is the cycle top all of Those facts I just cited are very weird And so of course I'll note this is I I I Don't mean this in absolutes maybe some Of you listening out there you did get a

Call from a family member our friend Okay I get that but if you were here During the the Euphoria of the last Cycle there were tons of people talking About how family members and friends Were calling and this and that I've seen Almost none of that and the laser eyes There's almost none and so somebody Pointed out here that even Joe Biden had Laser eyes here okay whatever I'm not I'm not speaking literally in absolutes Just by saying the word no I'm just Pointing out that it doesn't even almost Feel the same it doesn't look the same To me and there's evidence as Ali Martinez pointed out that you know as Far as the reason bitcoin's going up It's not really retailers he he's he's Arguing that there's a good chance it's Actually on the institutional Side which would track with the fact That again the uh the Google searches For Bitcoin they're barely up at all Isn't that weird at a minimum is this The new normal is that there's not that Much excitement and this is this is Truly the blowoff top Euphoria well some People do think that's probable and so I'm less convinced of that while Acknowledging I absolutely could be Wrong but um I like civil discourse here I like sharing uh ideas even if they're Different than my own I'm not afraid to Share ideas that are different than mine

I'm not afraid of being wrong because We're just I'm just trying to you know Spur conversation have fun with this you Know get the conversation all all that And so I want to share with you Perspective from a txmc and he wasn't Talking to me uh but he happened to be Talking about this so I thought I'd Highlight this in the video he shared This post this morning and it looks to Me like he feels a bit differently than Me he thinks that no this still could be Uh the actual Euphoria it just looks Different than what we saw last Market Cycle but that doesn't mean that this is As good as a gets in terms of the Euphoria and so I thought that this was The best argument against what my Suspicion is because I I just I'll say This I don't know for sure if the Market's topping right now I'm just Saying if it's topping now if it Actually is then this is weird I stand By that this is weird that we didn't see More Euphoria with retail so on and so Forth there was a little bit with the ETF even that wasn't that crazy and then That's it I mean okay okay if that Happens but here's what txmc had to say And uh he's formerly with uh glass node On chain analytics firm huge fan of Glass node and txmc he's just he's one Of those guys that just he's he's a Logic data reason type of guy that

Resonates with me obviously a super Smart guy and so I appreciate his Perspective and maybe time will pass and We'll see that his the what what seems To be a suspicion actually is correct And what seems to be my suspicion is Actually wrong and that could happen and If so that's fine but that's why I was Saying at the start of the video like I Want to know what you guys think like You guys tell me what your conviction is I'm I'm telling you where I'm leaning I Just thinking that it's weird if this is It you know so here's what txmc wrote I Think the unbridled Mania of 2021 warped A lot of investors perceptions of what Bullish sentiment looks like that year Was the absolute peak of mania not just Cap weighted indexes but bonds of all Kinds meme stocks specs and Arc all of Crypto nfts luxury goods Collectibles Art it was Rabid that was more than a bull market That was a frenzy I think a lot of People are waiting to see that happen Again to say yeah okay we're back but a Frothing toppy kind of behavior is Already staring them in the face right Now and and so look I think that's a Good argument in that direction and not That I am saying all of those things Would have to occur for me to be like Yeah we got Euphoria but what about the Things that are easy to track like I

Mean look what Ali Martinez highlighted It's kind of weird that I mean again I'll pull up the chart one more time Here if you want to look at it number of New Bitcoin addresses being created it's On a downtrend while price goes up That's peculiar isn't it and then you Know again you look look at this again Bitcoin Google searches where are They that is not normal for euphoria That it just isn't so the rest of the Stuff that he cited there um you know The Confluence of all those things Sure that's that's fine I'm not arguing Against that I mean those things happen I'm not saying that all those things Would be necessary for Euphoria but even If you hop on social media like yeah There's a lot of excitement and I'd say Deser deservedly so like this has been a Really fun time uh you know especially The last roughly half year it's been Ever since really October actually I Guess Market's been moving up it's been A lot of fun to see that happen but uh Again to me it just it doesn't have the Same feel even on social media I like The excitement broadly speaking But so I I guess you guys you guys are Just going to have to tell me what you Think here but I like if this thing's Going to go like the xrp Euphoria is Coming like I said at the outside of the I still firmly believe that so you know

Don't miss your chance for xrp Lifechanging wealth because that rally If when it comes which I believe it will At some point and if I'm wrong I'm wrong But either when that happens either you Have exposure to xrp or you don't and Sentiment is low within the xrp Community for for many anyway um I've Been talking about that a fair bit in Videos recently so I won't rehash that Stuff but uh but in crypto broadly Speaking it's not it's positive and I Think you know xrp is still going to Have its day in the Sun So my guess would be I mean as long as We're going to see a new all-time high For Bitcoin I just I I I think that that Will show that this is not the moment in Time where there's the most excitement Right obviously But if you think that this is the top of The market for this cycle then I could See why somebody would want to argue in This direction think that it's it's more Probable that this actually is It look I'm just not sold on I could be Wrong but you guys tell me what you Think I'll wrap up here I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon



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