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51 days until crypto millionaires are Made we're going to break that down in Today's video my name is coach JV what I Work to do is make very complex macro And microeconomic strategies very simple So the normal everyday person can Implement them what we've done is Created free resources for you so you're Not lost in the shuffle number one Question we get is JB how do you ensure Your wealth I ensure my wealth in tax Code 7702a index universal life in the Description of this video you can set up A free conversation consultation with my Licensed Insurance team I'm a licensed Insurance agent I have licensed Insurance agents in all 50 states in the Link of my bio here on social or in the Description of this video you can set up A free cons consultation you can also Download my free book on the back end of Every single video I break down exactly What I'm doing and that explains to you With a free resource so you're not lost In the shuffle all right so let's Dive Right into this video we are 51 days From what the Bitcoin having let's break This down we are 51 days and I'll break This down for you if you're new to Cryptocurrency you've been here for a While we have the Bitcoin having that Happens every four years in 51 days in April you're going to have the Bitcoin

Having which reduces the amount that can Be mined we already have 80% of Bitcoin Supply held it hasn't moved it cannot be Printed like the fed's dollar okay it Also is exploding and becoming one of The favorite assets of Wall Street You're already seeing a parabolic move I Believe you're going to see a little Mini pullback in April before the Bitcoin having then you're going to see The Bitcoin having then it takes about 90 days and you're going to see Bitcoin Go straight up then when they lower Interest rates for the presidential Election you're going to see assets go Through the roof it's going to be Completely unrealistic what's going to Happen that's why you have to have a Game plan Wall Street wins 100% of the Time yield my warning okay so you're Gonna have the Bitcoin having are Reducing interest rates and your assets Are going to go through the roof and you Must have an Exit Plan so in this first Video we're going to listen to Kathy Woods and she's talking about Bitcoin The new Financial Frontier we're going To listen to RFK and Michael sailor as He talks about our financial system and Why everybody is flying to bitcoin and Cryptocurrency as a flight to safety When a couple years ago it was rap Poisoning Bitcoin congrats on your ETF It's done very well you're number three

Now number three you know this was David Against Goliath and you know uh so this Is a a a a very nice win for us now We're not finished and in fact in our Business what's interesting is the Wirehouses which dominate our customers So Morgan Stanley all the advisers at These warehouses Morgan Stanley UBS Marilynch at BFA Wells Fargo not one of Them has approved Bitcoin on its Platform that hasn't even happened yet And those are our primary clients when That happens Wait until you see explosion huge guys Huge listen to what she just said she's Number three for the ETF Black Rock I Believe is number one Wells Fargo the Big banks have not even approved it yet Guys you're seeing this move without Even the big Banks approving it once They approve it all your financial Advisers who told you cryptocurrency is A fraud are going to now be selling it You know why because now they can make Commission off it and now the bank will Want to make money off you and they will Want to custody your crypto So get ready we are not even close to The moves you're about to see that to The extent that you rely on banks Clearly um the world is waking up and The US is waking up and they're thinking I want to be with big Banks I I wouldn't Have my money in a bank anywhere outside

The US and a weak country right you you Need you need to be in a rich strong Country to I want you guys to hear this I've been sharing with you the narrative Around the dollar transitioning right I've told you guys it's not going to Collapse this this year it's not going To collapse next year the dollar is not Going to collapse but we're seeing a Weakening of the dollar America is still The strongest economy but a lot of banks Are going to fail the big banks are Going to get bailed out JP Morgan Chase Wsh Fargo Bank of America all the big Three are going to monopolize the Banking system guys they are all going To be cusing your cryptocurrency at some Point I promise you guys we've been Played this whole time with a rich Strong bank with regard to what Individuals should do um I I think the The Logical answer is for expenses if if You have expenses in the next three Months you have your expenses in the Local currency which is the peso the Nara the whatever because it's legally Obligated for you to pay in the local Currency for the next three years of Expenses or one to three years of Expenses you put your your wealth in the A strong the strongest world currency in The world that's the dollar right now But you make sure sure that you have That currency either self-coded or you

Have it in a bank that you trust that's Hard if you can't find a bank if you Were in Lebanon right now can we trust You bank if you were in Lebanon right Now you wouldn't put your money in any Bank you would actually put it on the Bitcoin blockchain for for any amount of Money you want to keep the rest of your Life if if you want to give it to your Kids if you want to actually retire on It anything that's investable asset you Would put it in Bitcoin you wouldn't put You would put it in a and the strongest Possible world currency the global the Global money and that's Bitcoin you're Not going to get rich investing in Dollars do and so that's why I use Cryptocurrency as a speculative asset I Use tier one Capital Insurance we'll Call it the bottom of the risk pyramid Some people don't agree with it it's Called tier one Capital you need to Understand what tier one capital is on The bottom of a risk pyramid is Insurance okay on the bottom of a Pyramid is insurance so I take out of The expective assets I pull down into Security and I keep 50% in my Cryptocurrency before we kick it off Guys I want to share with you guys if You'd like to meet me in person or our Good morning crypto show and our amazing Epic host ABS one of the greatest host In human history our tickets are now on

Sale for our freedom conference 2024 so it's time to take your wealth Building and game to the next level guys You're invited to join some of the best In minds and wealth generation and Remember you are the sum of The Five People You surround yourself with so our Conference is on April 26 27th you get To meet me in person coach JB get to Hang out with us for two days here at Our revolutionary 3T Warrior Academy Facility this will sell out very very Fast the tickets are available now in The description of this video all right So let's go over to the next one I want You to hear RFK talking about Bitcoin They're all talking about Bitcoin guys This is going to be one of the greatest Missed opportunities in human history Very quickly I want to end on on bitcoin And kind of a more fun note a lot of Serious stuff going on bitcoin you you Said you you spoke at a conference you Bought it you bought some of it for your Kids last year uh you more than doubled Your money if you're still holding are You still holding I mean let's just have A little fun here to end the segment Yeah I am yeah I'm still holding my kids Are very very happy about it yeah where What's bitcoin's real role there are Members of Congress both parties I Believe that think it should be Banned yeah I mean they they want it

Banned because they're being paid by Black Rock and Morgan and all the big Bank globalist Banker banking monopolies That are making money on inflation and Making money on by the FED printing Money and but American people the American middle class is getting rolled And they offramp from that you know from The the money printing machine is Bitcoin uh because it is hard currency M And we need to make it transactionally Available to the middle class we need to Make sure that people who want to Protect themselves against inflation can Have this but also that they have Transactional freedom that the Government is not you know able now to To to digitalize our currencies and like They did in in Canada and when the truckers dissipate You know when the truckers protested Peacefully their bank accounts were shut Down I want you to think about what he Just said right now guys remember Black Rock their ETF I believe is number one Okay check this out so Black Rock was Tapped by the Federal Reserve to balance Out the markets in 2008 and 2020 tapped By the Federal Reserve the Federal Reserve controls money supply the very People that told you cryptocurrency is a Fraud are the ones that created the ETF Think about that for just a moment They're using it as a flight to safety

Then why wouldn't you put some of it in Your portfolio and get some exposure I'm Not saying go cash out everything and go Into it but why wouldn't you have a Little bit of exposure to cryptocurrency Now here's the thing Wall Street wins 100% of the time and I will repeat the Same things on the back end of every Video because what you repeatedly do Gets ingrained in your subconscious mind What gets ingrained in your subconscious Mind becomes an unconscious activity This is what we teach inside of our Warrior Academy we teach discipline Consistency we teach the foundations we Teach financial literacy discipline all These things okay so number one I'm Investing in spective asset called Crypto I have a r crypto portfolio when Crypto starts to go up okay when it Starts to go up I don't worry about when The Bull Run ends I worry about if it Hits my exit targets we created Merlin The smartest way to track your crypto in The description of this video you get 30 Days for free it's an interface you can See the markets are green right now you Can see that you can also go over to Your um assets and you can create what's Called an Exit Plan every single human Needs what's called an exit plan when You click on your exit targets okay you Go over here do you see how I have my Exit Target set up here on the left hand

Side 15% at $3.7 15% at $7 uh 20% at $10 25% at 15 and 25% at 100 I'm exiting 50% of my portfolio so That is 100% of the 50% well how do you Know that JB we actually allow you to Put in here how much you're going to Sell how much you're going to hold you See that let me make this bigger for you Guys so you can see how powerful this is What we created you can also put in your Tax bracket okay you can put in what You'd be tax based on short-term Longterm it's going to tell you exactly How much you estimate and are going to Need for taxes remember we don't custody Your crypto we don't hold your crypto This is just an interface so I'm exiting 50% of my portfolio I personally am Max Funding my index Universal Life policies Why because it secures my principle I Can get market like returns of six to 12% depending on the markets it's index It's not attached to the market I also Guaranteed my principle I can borrow Against the C cash value taxfree to buy More assets so everybody puts money on The sidelines to buy more assets I put My money in Insurance borrow against the Cash value to multiply my money twice so If I borrow at 5% I'm netting if I'm Making 2% in the market I net 2% on my Money and I'm getting free money to buy More assets does that make sense you'll

Never see me with the liability unless It's paid for by an asset which is Extremely extremely important so from There I'm going to be buying real estate More real estate I'm be buying more Precious metals I'll be bu back into the Crypto markets when it dips it's a very Easy cycle that all the middle class Should learn to do Wall Street wins 100% Of the time you have to have an exit Plan it doesn't matter when the Bull Run Ends it matters if you hit your exit Targets and it matters if you're Disciplined enough to pull out before Wall Street pulls the plug on you before Wall Street rug pulls on you before your Favorite crypto influencer rug pulls on You very important guys you got to make Sure you don't get rug pulled you get Rug pulled by having a game plan by Creating your own sovereignty in your Own wealth so I hope this information Helps everything you need in description Of this video we love you guys I'll see You at the freedom conference as we Always say Warriors R get your [ __ ] Together let's [Music] Go


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