Crypto Breaking News: This is not what we expected!

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Crypto breaking news this is not what we Expected from the feds but the good news Is we have an asset class called crypto That has a risk on and risk off never Before has this happened in today's Video I'm going to break down how the FED shared with us they were going to Break down rates or bring down rates Three times in 2024 and they're holding Off and they may not bring down rates in June which is going to affect the Markets we're also going to talk about How Cathy Wood's bold prediction and she Talks about the fiat currency and why People are heading over to bitcoin we're Going to break that all down today my Name is coach JB what I work to do is Make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategy very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them we get hundreds of questions a day About my patterns on what I do outside Of crypto so I pull my profits and Personally I insure my wealth with Insurance I'm a licensed insurance agent I have licensed insurance agents in all 50 states and down below in the Description you can set up a free Consultation with my insurance team or In the link in my bio absolutely free Our license agents will help you Understand how to ensure your wealth in These volatile times also I have an Absolutely free book a PDF download that

You'll get in the next five minutes Within your inbox check your junk box as Well on the back end of every video I Share with you exactly what I'm doing I'm only going to speak for my Paradigm As my Paradigm changes so in this video Like I said the feds last year told us They were going to lower rates three Times they haven't lowered them once Guys inflation is sticky and so now the Markets are responding but the good news In the Silver Lining is we're now Dealing with an asset class called Bitcoin which drives the whole crypto Market all your alternative coins that Is a risk on and riskof asset so we're In a delicate time right now Family the Middle class is getting wiped out moving Down to the Working Poor leveraged by Technology think about this for just a Moment my parents bought their home in Between 23,000 and 29,000 in 1973 that same home is close to $400,000 the average person used to make About 3,000 the middle class was about $3,000 a month you'd be okay you need to Make 167,000 a year just to be okay now let Me ask you a question do you feel Prepared do you feel set up for the Future people are not paying attention As you look this way there's a whole Another narrative going on this way so Let's Dive Right In family okay so we're

Going to watch this so this is fed Jerome pal delivers remarks on economic Outlook at St business school this was Yesterday okay it's the same narrative Over and over again but what I do and How I build my portfolio and how I make My moves is based on repetitive patterns Human behavior studying history and Human Cycles so he's going to share with Us once again inflation is sticky They're not going to lower rates they're Probably not going to lower rates in June but on the back end of the year They're going to take a look and when They lower rates guys the Bitcoin having In a couple weeks that's going to reduce The supply organically on the back end Of the year bitcoin's going to go Straight up and if they lower rates our Assets are going to go through the roof And I'll share with you on the back end Of the video exactly what I do with my Portfolio on inflation it is too soon to Say whether the recent Readings and inflation moving down Toward 2% on a sometimes bumpy path Labor market rebalancing is evident in In many uh parts of the data including Quits job openings surveys of employers And workers and the continued gradual Decline in wage growth on inflation it Is too soon to say whether the recent Readings represent more than just a bump We do not expect that it will be

Appropriate to lower our policy rate Until we have greater confidence that Inflation is moving sustainably down Toward 2% given the strength of the Economy and progress on inflation so far We have time to let the incoming data Guide our decisions on policy we've held Our policy rate at its current level Since last July as shown in the Individual projections that the fomc Released just two weeks ago my Colleagues and I continue to believe That the policy rate is likely at its Peak for this tightening cycle listen if The economy evolves broadly as we expect Most fomc participants see it as likely To be appropriate to begin lowering the Policy rate at some point this year okay So at some point this year that's the Narrative I pay attention to I don't go Back and forth and follow different Influencers telling me where crypto is Going to go I follow what the feds are Doing interest rates when they raised Interest rates so excuse me the treasury Yield went up uh the 10e treasury World Went up it pulled crypto back but the Good news is we're dealing with a Risk-on risk-off asset which has never Been in play before so listen to Cathy Woods uh in this narrative right here uh And uh they've tried to earn the trust And now they're um spreading their wings Into the rest of the world and currently

She's talking about coinbase she she Believes it's going to be one of the Biggest exchanges and the other uh Whether bankruptcies or controversies Have only increased their probability of Success during the next few years so we Think they're going to be the premier Exchange in the world yeah and trust is A really important point isn't it Because trust is what all of this really Comes down to and a large reason that I Understand Bitcoin is performing as it Is now is because of eroding trust in The traditional monetary system I'm not Sure if you heard it but the governor of Our Reserve Bank here in New Zealand he Said something publicly that went viral On Twitter it was a joke I'm pretty sure But if I can repeat it to you Kathy he Said Central Banking is a great business To be in print enough money and people Believe it now I haven't quite heard you Talk about this problem publicly and Maybe I just haven't been looking in the Right place but what are your thoughts On trust in the current system uh yes uh We do you know it's interesting for me To watch the FED hold so much power Over global markets whether Equity or Fixed income uh these are human beings And they're not even following rules now They would say yes we are 2% inflation So maybe this one will end up being Better than most but if you look back in

History and if you look into Emerging Markets the history of Fiat currencies Is atrocious even the dollar has lost 99% of its value since the FED uh was Created and 1913 I don't think that was Uh I don't think that was supposed to be The outcome uh at that point in time so I want you to listen to what she just Said since 1913 I've been sharing with You guys the dollar has collapsed since The veter reserve came on board which is Here to control our money supply and job Markets so since 1913 it's dropped 99% In value that is why big money is Heading towards Bitcoin a brand new Asset class Cryptocurrency that's why first they Resist it then they sue it then they Regulate it that's why they made you Believe so heavily that it's the worst Thing ever because they didn't want you Involved in it they didn't want Main Street to have a piece of Wall Street But you got to be very careful it's Still extremely volatile okay so I want You to check this out so why am in Crypt Bank not backing down and fight to Access feder Reserve so prominent Figures in crypto world are calling for Custodia Bank to appeal judges decision Guys this is the biggest thing ever this Is the biggest switch in our financial History Kraken unveils qualified custody For institutions in crypto friendly

Wyoming Kraken institutional operates Under the exchange State chartered Banking license Wyoming attained back in 2020 remember Ripple has an LLC in Wyoming I truly believe that Kraken will Be a Bank operating in crypto that Ripple will be a Bank operating in Crypto and coinbase will become a bank It will become part of the new Financial System with Chase Wells Fargo Chase Wells Fargo and Bank of America will get Involved in crypto that is my belief 100% Bel that that is going to happen And this is crazy with the SEC man us SEC calls for comments on spot ETF um e ETF so the Securities and Exchange Commission has opened up Comment periods for ETF applications for Grce stale Fidelity and bitwise guys We're here we're here they're Normalizing the markets cryptocurrency Is going to be a new asset class it's Going to be one of the biggest missed Opportuni in human history now here's Where you have to use discernment it's An extremely speculative asset the hype Is coming it's going to get extremely Hypy it's going to get extremely Exciting and when you get excited and You develop the Greene you're going to Try to catch the top have you ever seen An asset class stock market anything Continue to go straight up it does not Happen so you have to have an Exit Plan

Have an exit plan in everything in life Except your relationships I have an exit Plan in business I have an exit plan in My portfolios everything I have I have An exit plan except my Relationships think about that for just A moment so here's personally what I'm Doing for my Paradigm it worked for me From 2020 to 2022 and it's going to Change my family's life from 2024 to 2026 so for my crypto portfolio I don't Chase mean coins I don't chase getrich Quick I have a fundamental long-term Portfolio Okay I'm holding 50% long-term Forever Moon bags okay 50% of it I will Be exiting at Exit Targets on the way up So as the market goes up I don't care When the Bull Run ends I care if I hit Exit targets we use Fibonacci we figure Out exit targets where we think from our Own Paradigm where it's going to go so We don't care if CNBC or anybody Kathy Wood says it's going to go to 3.8 Million by 2030 Bitcoin I'm not worried About that in the short term I'm worried About getting some profits out of the Crypto Market because you won't it's not Realistic to make this much money in a Short amount of time it's not realistic And it's not going to happen again so as It goes up I'm pulling lading out on the Way up I use our app Merlin the smartest Way to track your crypto to do my exit Plans and track the market it is not an

Investment it is not an exchange you can Set up an exit plan we have a team to Help you set up an Exit Plan online Customer service also in-person customer Service you can talk to somebody tons of Videos to share you how to set an exit Plan we created this because we saw Thousands of people get wrecked in 2022 When it collapsed 85% so as I exit what I personally do is I use I have multiple Index Universal Life policies so I use Insurance here's why I like my principes Secure rule number one for Warren Buffett don't lose money rule number two Follow rule number one so insurance I Like to insure my wealth on the bottom Of the risk pyramid I pull from the left Side high risk High return and I pull it Down to the bottom of the risk pyramid It works for me and it's working great For a lot of people so what I do is I Use cash value life insurance policies I Like it because it secures guarantees my Principle it's index it's not in the Market it gets market likee returns it Has a cap on it and a floor on it zero Principal I can't lose my principal and If I choose to it's a long-term strategy For me and it's not a retirement policy These people are selling it as Retirement it's not a retirement policy It has benefits at your retirement age Because you can access the cash value Taxfree with tax code

7702a it's not a 7702a plan that's a tax Code that allows people to access Insurance taxfree so I like to lock in My tax rate I like to secure my Principle because I'm never going to Gain this large amount of money in a Short amount of time like crypto so I Pull it out of high risk I put it in low Risk and then I have access to the cash Value it could be 12 months you know 24 Months based on how it's set up and so If I access the cash value it's tax-free Right but this is a long-term strategy For me I'm looking for generational Wealth I also have businesses I'm Diversified across business Information Technology tension and education uh Silver and I'm using Bitcoin as my gold Now it's a narrative that's changed for Me in the past 24 months I'm always Honest with you guys about that stuff And then my relationship with God in Jesus Christ and I stay in my Lane I put My blinders on I post and I ghost and I Stay focused on my family my ecosystem Love and high frequency it's the Greatest transformation in Consciousness In wealth in human history and the thing That I'm extremely worried about is the Middle class it's going to take you Right now 167,000 per year to live a Normal life I'm a single father I go to The grocery store every single you know I I wish I had plann better but every

Day I go to store to make dinner for my Kids it cost around 50 to 60 bucks how Are single moms how are families this is How they get us guys they have screwed Us over so bad the feds came on board And literally our dollar has collapsed 99% they put us in an education system Makes us trade time for money so much Time we can't pay attention the Schooling system is raising our kids I'm Raising my kids I created an ecosystem So that I can be with my kids so I can Spend time with them so we can go to the Park so we can be together so I can Teach them the skills and behaviors and I truly believe that this is an Opportunity for the normal everyday Person to get a piece of Wall Street I Believe that I truly believe that but Here's the thing we saw a ton of people Get into crypto and they got wrecked Because they didn't have a plan it is Not realistic to make this much money in This short amount of time it's not it's Not even healthy for your mind to be Honest with you the Whole the whole meme coin narrative I Apologize the whole meme coin narrative And all that stuff it's not even healthy Guys those are extremely addictive and Unhealthy behaviors it's just like the Casino you hit it once with the meme Coin and then you're going to think You're going to do it again those are

Not healthy behaviors guys you have to Develop a healthy mindset around wealth Okay you have your volatile assets and Then you have your long-term secured Assets you know if you're making Anywhere from six to 12% or any six to That's sexy man that's super sexy I'm Okay with that money compounds every Seven years at 10% the eighth wonder of The world is compound interest the Earlier you to start the better you are And there'll never be an opportunity Like this for someone to get this a Large amount of money in a short amount Of time but that is get rich quick and When you get rich quick you lose it so We have to rewire the foundation you Have to rewire the foundation so down Below you have a free PDF book if you'd Like to join my warrior Academy we have An education Academy we have private Coaching as well down below so just Click the link in the description read Through them as well um I just want to Make sure that you understand that only Things I speak about is stuff that I'm Currently doing within my Paradigm I'll Never bring anything to you that I'm not Currently doing okay just be careful Just be careful family I just want to See you guys win I want to see you Succeed and I want to see your family Healthy wealthy and prosperous Warriors Rise get your together let's



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