18 MILLION XRP Fly Off MAJOR Exchange

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel here's an incredibly bullish xrp Headline and if you don't know why it is Fear not I'm going to get you caught up To speed uh it's from you today 18 Million xrp I Exodus from major Korean Exchange as xrp price skyrockets I also Have this from the Crypt basic legal Docs claim Ripple used GSR trading Bots To increase xrp price not suppress it Well how about that this is perhaps the First time since I jumped into crypto in 2017 where I see a headline uh just even Just positing the idea that Ripple They're not trying to suppress price They're trying to increase it how come I Never see that that would be more in Line with reason considering if things Don't go well with xrp in the xrp Ecosystem Ripple has the most to lose Just think about it uh then there's this From coin gape xrp lawyer reacts on Vanguard CEO's early departure here's Why And uh I'll show you what uh what this Xrp attorney had to say um he might be Spot- on because as it turns out uh Vanguard CEO perhaps made a bit of a boo Boo as it pertains to the world of uh World of crypto but uh before going Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell

Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right so let's start Here with the Crypt basic legal docs Claim Ripple used GSR trading Bots to Increase xrp price not suppress it legal Documents in the Ripple V secc case Claim Ripple leveraged trading Bots from GSR to increase the xrp price and not Suppress it as earlier speculated by Community members Darkhorse the xrp Community member and crypto researcher Who spotlighted Ripple's us use of Trading Bots for past institutional Sales recently shared court documents From the Ripple V SEC case detailing the Sec's argument around the firm's Institutional sales recall that Darkhorse initially suggested that Ripple's use of these Bots from leading Market maker GSR contributed to xrp's Price suppression over the years this Theory aligned with speculation Surrounding xpiece price movements amid The perceived Underperformance however according Ording to information from the court Documents the SEC contended that Ripple Leveraged these Bots to increase the Price of xrp contrary to the initial Theory of price suppression as uncovered In the documents by xrp Community figure

Wrath of conent and folks think about That even the SEC is saying no Ripple is Trying to do what's good for the ex Because think about it if you're the SEC If you really want to paint Ripple as The devil uh not only are they Manipulating the market but it's it's uh It's at the the stress of the everyday Man right just beating down the price And and and raking in the dough but the SEC is like no actually Ripple they're They're trying to increase the price They're they're doing so they they still Now mind you of course SEC was still Spinning this as a negative I'm not Pretending of course they were um you Know and I've I've covered that before Actually of course they're painting it That way but again even even if that Were true if the SEC were Correct cool especially if it were true Right and there had been of course Internal disc along those lines in repic Back in the day so what the hell do I Care as if this is actually harming Us In any sort of way anyway peace Continues the document filed in June 2023 indicates that the agency Contracted the services of an expert Whose details were redacted from the Public to back up these claims the Experts analysis included an in-depth Review of Ripple's Communications SEC Provided documents and data scrutiny of

Publicly available xrp Ledger Transactions historical price data and Personal academic research the expert Contended that at specific junctures Ripple directed GSR to engage in xrp Transactions to either Drive prices Upward or establish a price floor to Prevent declines notably instances of Trading directed by Ripple correlated With upward movements or halting Declines in xrp price furthermore the Expert highlighted Ripple's use of Market making firms to sell xrp Strategically and employing tactics to Mitigate downward pressure on prices the Individual noted the imposition of Lockups uh lockup restrictions on Certain sales of xrp resembling those in Traditional IPOs as a method to stop xrp From slumping the expert asserted that Ripple and its Executives had strong Incentives to influence xrp prices which Included an effort to maximize proceeds From sales so you guys get the idea of This it was obviously always uh kind of Silly to think otherwise from the get-go And and look frankly we were discussing This at the end of 2020 I'm here covering it again because First of all it's being discussed in the Community again and it's covered in Crypto media here and this is coming at A time when there's uh there's been at Least recently notable to spare within

The xrp community now I don't think that There's going to be to spare in the xrp Community much longer I mean sure there Could be a pullback in the short term Here but to me what seems most probable Is Bitcoin keeps ripping to the upside Coins follow including xrp it would be Weird to me if it didn't uh but frankly Even with how things have been uh since Xrp bottomed in the summer of 2022 I Don't think people realize it's not Quite as awful as some people are Thinking here I think it's to me the Reason people are extra Grumpy in the Xrp community is not that xrp's been Trending downb price no no no I think It's because to me it just seems obvious It's because other coins have been out Performing it you know with Bitcoin Rocking up leading the way and then There's Salon of pick your coin that's Been rocketing and then people look at Their xrp like but mine's not doing I'm Like okay but you know they're over 20,000 coins in existence you know when The coins go there's a good chance that Whatever you hear is popping you don't Own because there's over 20,000 coins How many do you have what do you have Like 5 10 20 30 what what do you got Whatever your number is it's nowhere Near 20,000 coins nobody has 20,000 Coins so that means when you hear Something popping you're probably not a

Part of it and it makes people feel as Though there's something wrong here but It's completely untrue and to drive that Point home take a look at this there was Um a post I first came across it thanks To attorney Bill Morgan he shared this Post from Anders and let me go to this First and he wrote The Following and There's two screen grabs I'll share with You uh and he wrote The Following and This just seems like objectively pretty True Right uh opposite Happening Here my Opinion Ripple wins lawsuit July 13 2023 Fomo from retail most buy High stuck on The way down despair ensues but from June 2022 we've had xrp moving up slowly With higher highs and higher lows while We've had a continuous despair at the Same time it also reminds me of May 2017 To December 2017 when xrp slowly moved Downwards and we had despair at this Time as well we had American Express Partnership and not much happened Everything else moved up then in December we had the big surge seems we Find the best opportunity for xrp in Despair why Wales Rule the Day aam's Razer since down below would explain the Full picture so what you can see for Those you looking the screen obviously You know already but uh you can see the Major spike this past summer in July When uh Ripple defeated the SEC xrp

Declared not of security a lot of people Did fomo in up here though not everybody Listening um I you know I stopped Accumulating XP in October of 20120 and It's by far still my largest individual Holding um and then he noted here on the Way down retail stuck when xrp moves Down despair continues but check this Out this is the reason the primary Reason anyway that I wanted to highlight This this chart is is going back to Where where xrp Bottomed and that was you know June June Of 202 I believe right yeah June yeah That's right he even said that right June of 2022 and xrp got down to to the Best of my recollection like 28 cents Ever since then it's been putting in Higher highs and high higher lows so Throw out where I'm circling right here With this July uh July Spike because of The the cor case throw that out that's An outlier there's there's a real world Event that caused that but pretend that That's just chopped off because that That shouldn't have been there and in Fact at that moment so we had that Excitement that day and that was fun it Went up you know xrp price doubled in About 4 hours but that was at a time When Bitcoin was trending downwards it Trended downwards after that and still Xrp despite that for for the in the Coming months going down obviously if

You look over the longer time span where Xrp bottomed out higher highs and higher Lows so that's a good sign right now Even so even more exciting as I keep Highlighting in my recent videos the xrp Btp BTC pair looks like garbage xrp Against Bitcoin looks like trash it Looks like xrp is the worst freaking Performing thing in the planet and when You get that level of discrepancy Historically uh you know you know Pricing xrp in Bitcoin that has been a Moment right before xrp Rockets there's Historic precedent for this and it was The same sentiment Anders is hitting the Nail on the freaking head here it is Absolutely True and so there's this post also from Oh actually I want to share with Bill Morgan said Bill Morgan first he shared That and said the chart that makes Nonsense of the Ripple escrow dump fot Exactly which is why I thought those the First bit of this story went kind of Went hand inand and then uh somebody Named Andrew responded to Bill Morgan And said I've been quietly thinking this Myself for a long time the hourly and Daily chart seems so disappointing but If you go to the weekly you simply see a Slowly Rising price that to be frank Quite Frank I'd be happy for it to Continue long-term slow consistent Growth is

Unsustainable which I I think that's Perfectly reasonable what he said there And then attorney Morgan responded it's Good news for those who bought it 30 Cents at the bottom of the bare Market In 2022 yeah it is which is why frankly Anybody if if anybody's not happy with What their price is right now I mean This is the story of why it's important To dollar cost average to be quite Honest with you here have a post from Xrp crypto wolf he he WR he wrote uh xrp Will start getting its respect back once It breaks through $1 and then everybody Will have hope again 100 yep that is the Truest damn thing I've read in a hot Minute you just wait because inevitably Xrp is going to start running people Goingon to get all excited again the Despair goes away for a while that's Happening and I'm be where' all the Bears go where did all you little punk Ass bears Go um they're going to be nowhere to be Seen and that's what's going to happen I've seen this so many times Before uh now here's a v of confidence Look at this 18 million xrp I Exodus From major Korean exchange as xrp price Skyrockets let me justum jump down to The key part stealing the spotlight in Today's market activity is the news Surrounding South Korea's leading

Cryptocurrency exchange upbit reports From whale alert have unveiled a Significant withdrawal of 18 million xrp Tokens valued at approximately $10.7 Million the tokens were were swiftly Transferred to an undisclosed wallet Leaving observers pondering the motives Behind the substantial movement such Substantial withdrawals from exchanges Often hint at strategic accumulation or Storage of Assets in separate wallets Suggesting potential bullish sentiment Among investors conversely movements of Tokens toward exchanges typically Indicate a predisposition towards sell So again I know it's one move anecdotal But it's in the right direction and it's A big ass one right on an individual Level over $10 million worth of xrp 18 Million xrp off the Exchange that son of the gun has no plan Of selling it anytime soon because That's not the direction that it would Otherwise go just saying and this is We've seen a lot of this in recent times And so you can you can piece this Together with all the other incredible Metrics that are happening as it Pertains specifically to xrp which I've Been reporting on throughout the Entirety of this bare Market piece it Together I and I know price isn't what We would like it to be but all of these Things are happening don't you think

Perhaps it might lead to that being the Case it might lead to XP hitting a new All-time high and then entering price Discovery I think that's highly Plausible oh and take a look at this I Wanted this is fascinating metric There's so there's something post by um Very popular chart analyst out here Named pentoshi 78,000 followers on social media Platform xx and on December 8th of last Year he wrote The Following and this is This is actually fascinating Um because and look I understood like um Like when it gets to the point where We're reaching you know Euphoria we know That the exchange is crash right and so We know that if you see user activity Increase for like coinbase for example That's a sign of something right um but Check this out pentoshi wrote The Following there is one indicator that Has 100% hit rate on catching the macr Top of a fullon bull run in crypto Coinbase being the number number one Downloaded app in the app Store I've shared this before and Sharing it again now one day in the next One to two years this will Repeat then you walk away and again that Was up December 8th um and so this is This is a metric for fun I'm going to Track now because it's just one more Thing you can look at again like pretty

Much nothing's the end all be all but It's it's kind of funny and it's got a Perfect hit rate so far anyway and so uh Yesterday pentoshi reposted that just to Let the people know and he wrote The Following I shared this in April 2021 And November 2021 as the first time I've Seen it was January 2018 all were top and one of my three Indicators at the time I didn't know What it meant because in uh 2017 and 2018 it was my first cycle now there's So much Focus around it every everywhere The funny part is when it happens again You'll have 10 to 14 days to exit and When you tell new people they will tell You you are wrong confidently before Losing 50 to 90% the cycle Repeats yeah I I'll be watching for that One and so obviously there was Tremendous surge in terms of users of The other day coinbase briefly going Down I'm sure the vast majority you have Heard that news by now are experienced It yourselves had a little bit of a Heart attack when uh erroneously Coinbase showed your balance as zero um But in terms of uh you know number of Downloads no and why is that no even Though the volume went up on coinbase Because new retail hasn't been jumping In in fact that's what's exciting if you Look at uh Google Trends just search for Uh you know how bitcoin's been

Performing in terms of search results uh I mean it's been a couple days since I Pulled that up but at the time before The ma major price moves uh it was Actually slightly trending down there Was a bump in January with the ETF news And people were Googling Bitcoin more Google searching it um and then after That really not so much nowhere near the Highs of 2021 during that Mania not even Close same for 2017 in 2018 not even Close it's a big nothing so why is Bitcoin going up well I think that Proves that everything we're seen it's On the institutional side and I'm not Claiming that it's all the ETFs in fact I don't believe that but how could it Possibly be uh be is it is it just Retail it just it doesn't look there's I'll tell you this it's certainly not New Retail where are the Bitcoin searches Where are all the coinbase apps getting Downloaded so even if a bunch of Existing users woke up and they didn't Need to Google Bitcoin and they didn't Need to to to uh to download the Coinbase App what does that means mean as ahead Of us because again if you're talking About Bitcoin hitting new alltime high That's what has spurred Tremendous Global media coverage of this That's when you start to get the true

Mania when you get to the all-time high And we haven't quite gotten there yet so The media has been covering it more Admittedly sure sure sure but we haven't Quite gotten there yet so it'll be Interesting to watch for that and see How this unfolds but probably going get Crazy from coin gape xrp lawyer reacts On Vanguard CEO's early departure here's Why and not that there's a ton to say on This but I wanted to just kind of throw It out and kind give a shout out to Attorney Bill Morgan because he kind of Called this um so after the the Bitcoin ETFs got approved it was uh I guess it Was the day after because they got Approved on the 10th right so then it Was January 11th we saw this headline From Watcher Guru and many other outlets But Watcher Guru wrote just in $7.7 Trillion doll asset manager Vanguard Says they will not offer spot Bitcoin ETFs and I remember reading that Thinking oh my God what what are these Idiot sticks doing like do do they think It's smart to to cater to a particular Clientele um that that's that they they Currently have do they think that's good Or they actual idiots are they actual Maybe it's just that they're actual Idiots I don't know if they thought that Like like legitimately that this is Something that their customers wouldn't Want or if they just don't know what the

Hell they're doing maybe they just don't Know what the hell they're doing either Way stupid ass decision I don't think It's going to stand I don't think There's a snowball chance in hell of That I don't know when that's going to Flip but uh attorney Bill on January 11th made a prediction I I almost said Bold prediction but maybe I want to give Him credit but it's kind of like it's so Easy to agree with this perspective it's Like yeah he said within six months the Person's responsible for that decision Won't be at Vanguard within six Months and then you see the headline Here just in Vanguard CEO Tim Buckley to Step down by the end of 2024 so attorney Morgan shared that was Like boy I was too conservative with That prediction should have said uh six Weeks not six months yeah see that's Just great and to kind of paint the Picture of just how big of a mistake This has been for Vanguard uh just miss Totally missing out on the ride Here uh here you can see Eric baluna Sharing some stats and I found this Really fascinating and he's a senior ETF Analyst at Bloomberg and he wrote more Wild stats ibit and that's a Black Rock Spot Bitcoin ETF ibit makes up. 2% of Black Rock's ETF lineup but has Accounted for 42% of its net flows this

Year Fbtc makes up 2% of Fidelity's ETF Lineup but has accounted for 64% of its net ETF flows this year folks That is Insane black Rock's Bitcoin ETF is .2% Of all of their ETFs having nothing to Do with crypto they just just lump all The ETFs together 42% % of its net Inflows Whoa you you see that's insane right and So then the idiot sticks over at Vanguard just totally missing it and Doubling and tripling down on their Stance it's it's just Ridiculous oh they even wrote something Offensive like uh you know to any any Customer that I'm paraphrase but to any Customer that finds this objectionable Uh there other firms that will be able To service you it was something to that Effect and I covered it on my Channel at The time I was like whoa What a bunch of Idiots and you can see this Eric baluna Also shared this chart he wrote um and This is just as of the close of Yesterday February 29th the close out February hot but cooler volumes for the Nine came down today although still Clocked their second biggest day ever But DEA cooler after yesterday's Explosion they're going to end up Trading more this week than their entire

First month on the market new uh New Normal or temp burst meaning is this Something we're going to regularly see This type of crazy move or is it just This you know burst to the upside There's a lot of excitement Jubilation All that crap and then it's just going To pet her off and he says we will See and for those you looking at the Screen you can see how massive this one Was the other day whoa I that is just wild now that of course That's the day where Bitcoin hit $64,000 but still even the following day We know that Bitcoin was basically Holding above $60,000 61 $62,000 but look at that volume that's Still the second best day after all this And this is just the beginning like this This is going to be a successful Investment vehicle uh that black rock Will continue to run decades out and all Lik because look I mean unless you think Bitcoin's going to fail I good luck with that argument at this Point but um I mean it could be right it Could be right I'm not 100% sold because I don't want that's way too far outside The scope of this video I won't even get Into it but um again like Black Rock Will continue to push for this thing and It's just it's at the beginning just Imagine another decade out what this is Going to look like for them and then

Imagine what Bitcoin spot price is going To be another decade out it's going to Be so much bigger like you guys Listening right now congratulations to You you are so early investing in crypto It's like winning the lottery in slow Motion that's basically it it's winning The lottery in slow motion you don't get It as quickly as you might want but it's The quickest way on planet Earth to Invest in something and then eventually You get there because you know the stock Market doubles every seven to 10 Years so I mean if you're investing you Say you're investing like you know just Something kind of standard standard like Yeah ETFs to track the S&P 500 something Like That know you can get this depending on When you jump in you could you could get A doubling in like an afternoon you know You know what I mean like it's just wild That here but the trend is consistently Up and so again kudos to you for being Here you're you're you're part of a Small percentage of humans like 4% of Humans or whatever the number is now or Something like that that have ever held Any crypto at any point in time and then You look at xrp and it's way less than 1% of humans that have ever held xrp at Any point in time we are so early that's Why the this is the opportunity of a Lifetime that's why I said it's like

Winning the lottery in slow motion I'm Not a financial adviser you should not Buy your sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea Until next time to the Moon Lambo


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